Custom Crane Man Baskets To Fit Any Job
Need a specific Crane Basket for your unique application? ELT not only supplies a standard line of Crane Material Basket, we can build exactly what you need as well.
A large Residential and Commercial moving company utilized a crane supported material basket to move large items to and from upper story offices and apartments. Their current equipment was a little worn, outdated and a candidate for some improvements.

ELT worked closely and directly with the owner of the company to determine requirements and features he wanted in his next Material Basket certified to OSHA and “Below the Hook’ standards. The result was a custom size basket, structurally designed to allow for open access on 1 side and equipped with standard fork pockets as well as casters to provide 2 ways for movement on the ground. Customer also requested and ELT provided E-track installed along the interior of the Basket to assist with tying down the large items to protect against damage.

When you prefer not to settle and want what works for you, ELT has the staff, resources and expertise to work directly with you to determine the specifications and requirements for the safe reliable lifting solution that fits your needs.